Resilient Cities: Planning for Extreme Events
Posted on Nov. 21, 2017
East-West Center: Noon Seminar Series
When: Nov 21 2017 - 12:00pm until Nov 21 2017 - 1:00pm
Where: John A. Burns Hall, Room 3012, East-West Center
Urbanization, especially in the Asia Pacific region, alongside climate change and sea level rise increases the exposure and risks to cities. Recent disasters demonstrate the need for new approaches to planning, development and management of urban areas. Based on research conducted in Hawaii, the United States, and the Asia-Pacific region, the challenges and opportunities for mitigating harm and adaptation to coastal and climate hazards and threats are described. In addition to new tools and technologies, more robust systems of planning, management, and governance are needed to build and sustain resilient cities.
Karl Kim, Ph.D. is a Professor of Urban and Regional Planning and Director of the Graduate Program on Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance at the University of Hawaii. Educated at Brown University and MIT, he has previously served as the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the Manoa campus. He is currently Executive Director of the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center (, funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The Center has trained more than 33,000 first responders and emergency managers across the U.S. He also directs a multi-year project with USAID on disaster risk reduction in Southeast Asia. He is editor of a 10 volume series on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience (Routledge Press).